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Tuesday 19 August 2014

Now protests start IN FAVOR of shooter cop: More than a hundred turn out in rally supporting Darren Wilson after he skips town to avoid violent reprisals

This is not fare at all o. an innocent  black teenager is shot dead and this is all the white guy know what to do.
Supporters of the St Louis policeman who killed a black teenager have rallied in the city in the first public show of support for the officer.

At the rally, attended by around 150 people, protesters walked around wearing specially printed T-shirts which were sold for $7 with a police shield on which was the words: ‘I stand by Darren Wilson’.
Instead of a badge number it read 8.9.14 - the day he killed 18-year-old Michael Brown.
Two Facebook pages in support of Wilson, 28, have also sprung up with a combined total of 35,000 likes.
Supporters: More than a hundred people gathered on Sunday to support St Louis, Missouri police officer Darren Wilson, who shot dead black teen Michael Brown earlier this month in Ferguson
Supporters: More than a hundred people gathered on Sunday to support St Louis, Missouri police officer Darren Wilson, who shot dead black teen Michael Brown earlier this month in Ferguson
Critics: The rally happened outside the officers of news station KSDK in St Louis, Missouri. Many of those rallying today criticized the news station for spreading information about Wilson's address
Critics: The rally happened outside the officers of news station KSDK in St Louis, Missouri. Many of those rallying today criticized the news station for spreading information about Wilson's address
Incident: Officer Darren Wilson (left) shot dead Michael Brown (right) on August 9, and witnesses say Brown had his hands up in surrender at the time
Incident: Officer Darren Wilson (left) shot dead Michael Brown (right) on August 9, and witnesses say Brown had his hands up in surrender at the time
Incident: Officer Darren Wilson (left) shot dead Michael Brown (right) on August 9, and witnesses say Brown had his hands up in surrender at the time

Supporters have also set up a GoFundMe site for raising money for Wilson which raised $1,500 towards a goal of $5,000 to pay for his legal fees in just two hours.
Witnesses claim that Wilson, a six year veteran with the police in Ferguson, a suburb of St Louis, killed Brown even though he was unarmed and had his hands in the air.
The rally on Sunday afternoon was called on the steps on St Louis TV station KDSK because Wilson’s supporters were unhappy they had broadcast details about Wilson’s home.
Speaking out: Many of the protesters were people who work or have worked in law enforcement, or have relatives who are police officers
Speaking out: Many of the protesters were people who work or have worked in law enforcement, or have relatives who are police officers
Bias: Many of the protesters believe the media coverage of the incident has been biased against the police officer involved
Bias: Many of the protesters believe the media coverage of the incident has been biased against the police officer involved

Over: The group dispersed peacefully around 7pm
Over: The group dispersed peacefully around 7pm

A handful of Brown’s supporters stood on the other side of the road holding up signs which read: ‘Killer Cops: Don’t Shoot’ and ‘Ferguson Police are harboring a fugitive’.
The pro-Wilson side of the road was made up largely of people who work or have worked in law enforcement, or relatives of police officers.
John Newsham, 55, a retired St Louis County police detective, said: ‘The coverage so far has been biased and against the officer.
‘They can make it a black white thing, but it’s not. It should be about the rule of law’.
During the rally the protesters passed around a giant card on which they wrote messages like: ‘Stay Strong’ and ‘The Blue Line Forever’.
Opposition: The demonstration on Sunday attracted more protesters who set up camp across the street to rally in favor of victim Michael Brown
Opposition: The demonstration on Sunday attracted more protesters who set up camp across the street to rally in favor of victim Michael Brown

Opposition: The demonstration on Sunday attracted more protesters who set up camp across the street to rally in favor of victim Michael Brown
Not in agreement: Protesters hold up their signs in response to the demonstration for Darren Wilson
Not in agreement: Protesters hold up their signs in response to the demonstration for Darren Wilson

They also cheered every time somebody honked their horn as they drove past as a gesture of support.
The wife of a St Louis County policeman told MailOnline that she was angry because officers has been deployed to cope with the protests which put other units under strain.
This meant her husband had been working 12 hour days and an 100 hour week which left her with no support to look after their four children.
With school starting this week and their daughter going to college, it was hard to cope when her husband was exhausted.
Todd Brayfied, 34, a pipe repairer, said: ‘I think that he’s (Wilson) been tried and convicted of being a murderer.
Incensed: The community in Ferguson has been protested in outrage over Brown's death. Above demonstrators pictured talking to Capt Ronald Johnson of the Missouri State Highway Patrol on Sunday, August 17
Incensed: The community in Ferguson has been protested in outrage over Brown's death. Above demonstrators pictured talking to Capt Ronald Johnson of the Missouri State Highway Patrol on Sunday, August 17

‘I’ve seen 15 different eyewitnesses and they have 15 different accounts. Bits and pieces match up but they are not the same.’
Martin Baker, 44, a consultant, said: ‘I come here to support Darren and support both sides of the story.
‘I have respect for the police. Here in America we are a society of law and order. You must maintain law and order or you will become a community that is reckless and doesn’t care’.
The two Facebook pages are I Support Darren Wilson and Support Darren Wilson, which organized the protest.
The woman who had organized the protest, who identified herself as Ms E Baker, said that she did it as a ‘show of support for Darren’.
The crowd quietly dispersed at 7pm.

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