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Thursday 21 August 2014

R.I.P This is the photo of the guy that died in the boat explosion in lagos

Emmanuel Onu (pictured above) was the only person who died in the Lagos boat explosion which happened on Friday August 15th. The boat, belonging to Aquitien Oil and Gas, was said to have taken off from V-Craft Jetty in Lekki and was heading towards Apapa be­fore it exploded around Walter Carrington Way, trapping all 10 persons on board. 9 people were injured and taken to different hospitals in Lagos

The Public Relations Of­ficer of the National Emer­gency Management Agen­cy (NEMA) said the boat engine exploded while it was trying to refill gasoline at Capital Oil Jetty at Victoria Island.

Emmanuel's body was recovered from the water shortly after the accident. His service of songs will hold today around 5 at his Lagos residence. He will be buried tomorrow Aug. 22nd at Atan Cemetery in Yaba, Lagos

Turf war: Moment two middle-aged women were caught on camera 'stealing an entire front lawn in early morning garden raid' (and they even stopped for a cigarette half way)

The 'shamefully funny' incident was captured on CCTV installed by neighbour Bobby Stacey - who fitted the camera after his garden tools were stolen.The pair were filmed ripping up the garden in the early hours of the morning - with both shamelessly stopping for a cigarette break half-way through the heist in Skelmersdale, Lancashire last month. The 51-year-old grandfather said that when he watched the video back he could not stop laughing despite its serious nature. Police are currently investigating the crime

The homegrown jihadists fighting for ISIS: One in four foreigners who have signed up to Islamic State is British - and half of them are ALREADY back in the UK

Questions have been raised as to whether enough is being done to stem the flow of fighters as only 23 passports have been seized this year to prevent them travelling to the war zone. The Government says there are around 500 British while a further 250 are thought to have already returned to the UK where the police and security services are attempting to watch them.  The murder of James Foley apparently by 'John' - one of a gang of British jihadis known as 'The Beatles' - has raised fears the killing fields of Syria and Iraq are dominated by extremist Britons. MailOnline has profiled the most high profile jihadists known to have fled for Syria and Iraq. ISIS

The homegrown jihadists fighting for ISIS: One in four foreigners who have signed up to Islamic State is British - and half of them are ALREADY back in the UK

Questions have been raised as to whether enough is being done to stem the flow of fighters as only 23 passports have been seized this year to prevent them travelling to the war zone. The Government says there are around 500 British while a further 250 are thought to have already returned to the UK where the police and security services are attempting to watch them.  The murder of James Foley apparently by 'John' - one of a gang of British jihadis known as 'The Beatles' - has raised fears the killing fields of Syria and Iraq are dominated by extremist Britons. MailOnline has profiled the most high profile jihadists known to have fled for Syria and Iraq. ISIS

Fake soldier granted interview to BBC - DHQ says

On Tuesday August 19th, a Nigerian soldier spoke with the BBC explaining why himself and some other soldiers refused the order from their superiors to go fight Boko Haram insurgents. He alleged that they were not provided good weapons and ammunition and so gave Boko Haram the upper hand during any battle because the militants are more well equipped (read that here).

Now the Defence Headquarters says the man who spoke with BBC is an impostor. Their statement below
That degree of cowardice is not in the character of a real soldier of the Nigerian Army.  The series of lies contained in the alleged responses of the faceless person referred to as a soldier confirms the whole arrangement as another step of the mischief makers working for terrorists.  No soldier has been sent on any mission without being armed. Each soldiers answers for his action in terms of discipline.
Anyone who knows the military reward for mutiny will not join another person to try it.  The overwhelming majority of the Nigerian soldiers remains as brave and disciplined as ever.  They will certainly not join any renegade, coward, deserter or those trying to incite mutiny in the military to betray the nation at time like this, in a way that impostor told his interviewers.  His claims are false.
Certainly soldiers are not being sent to die.  We may not have everything now, but we are improving on weapons and equipment rapidly

ACP Frank Mba bowed out of the force

ACP Frank Mba has bowed out as the Public Relations Officer of the Nigerian Police Force. In a letter of appreciation he sent out this morning, Mr Mba expressed his gratitude to the media and the Nigerian people for contributing to his successful tenure. Mba, who was promoted to the rank of Assistant Police Commissioner in June, has been reassigned to head an Area Command in Lagos . He is expected to hand over to the new Public Relations officer, DCP Emmanuel Ojukwu later today

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Lagos State Govt’s response to Ebola

 Ebola-Fashola1am writing these words as I watch what is probably the highest concentration of Europeans in the UK….at the exit/entrance point of the Eurostar train at St Pancras Station, London.I am surrounded by recognisable Spanish, Italian, French and German dialects and a few unknown ones, probably Polish and Romanischte.No, I am not traveling to mainland Europe; I am waiting for a train to Leeds. As I sit amidst this voluminous human traffic, I marvel at the open borders and welcoming arms of this great country, England. In the last two hours, despite the media frenzy on Ebola Fever, 300 Nigerians have disembarked from a Virgin jet and walked unhindered and unrestricted into the UK, free to go and do as we please within the confines of the Law. BanYet, only a few days ago, a fellow African country, who shares no immediate border with us and whose Health Infrastructure is no where as developed as ours….has banned Nigerian passengers and Nigerian flights into its territory! If my Geography is correct, they may even be closer to the Ebola River than we are!A Nigerian proverb states that we should keep our eyes open while we shed tears.Indeed, we had some divine intervention (luck) with the index Ebola case….The man collapsed and needed hospitalisation immediately on arrival on our shores, had he spent a few more hours in town or made it to his conference city the consequences would have been devastating. Equally, had there been no doctors strike, the likelihood would have been a transfer from the airport to the nearby LASUTH. His admission process in this teaching hospital environment would have caused more direct contacts and a greater public health hazard. But, aside from the luck, credit must be given to the Lagos State Government for its calculated, military style response, despite many limitations, to the immediate threat posed by this index individual to a city of 20 million and our nation of 120 million plus.ActionHowever, Governor Fashola and Dr Jide Idris swung into action thus: They crash-trained lab technicians and civil servants on how to enter a house and check for the Ebola virus. In four days, they turned an abandoned government building into an isolation unit. In a week they managed to find and cold-call scores of people from blue-collar workers to diplomats who may have touched the index case, Patrick SawyerWithin days they procured necessary PPE gear to protect health workers.Coordinated responseThey put out a massive and coordinated public education and awareness campaign. All officials pushed the same message with the same emphasis, factual and unemotional.When the government received the passenger list for Mr. Sawyer’s flight, contact information was missing for 18 of the flight’s 48 passengers. All officials had were names and nationalities. Nothing else.The airline tracked down some passengers by calling the ticket agents that booked the flight, while government officials found others by contacting local Embassies.A crew of volunteers set about cold-calling people with the frightening news they might have Ebola. They sent nurses, lab technicians and civil servants into homes to deliver forms for potential carriers to fill out twice daily, asking about fever and other symptoms.They have recruited hundreds of volunteers, with good remuneration and life insurance, to handle complex contact tracing, barrier nursing, infection control and critical care management.We had never treated one single case of Ebola in Nigeria before, and doctors were on strike. PraiseThe Lagos State authorities deserve some praise.According to the Wall Street Journal : “What is clear, though is that hundreds more lives could have been saved if more West African governments acted as Lagos did.”Of course, all this would not have been possible or achievable without the input of, and partnership with, the Federal Ministry of Health and its extensive national and international contacts.Prof. Onyebuchi and Dr Idris, both docto - See more at: